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--> Details : Texas Irons His and Hers Steak Branding Iron Gift Set
- Branding Tool
- Creates a Charred Design
- Hand wash recommended
- Ideal for Tailgating, Grill-Top Cooking, Outdoor Cooking
- 16 by 4 by 4 inch
... [ read more ]
--> Texas Irons His and Hers Steak Branding Iron Gift Set - - Review by James N
I gotten Texas Irons His and Hers Steak Branding Iron Gift Set - item not too long ago. It proved helpful exactly as presented. Great products. User welcoming to the point that I did not will need to learn any instructions to operate. Checked the distances with other items and seems to be very appropriate. Thrilled I made the buying. I would highly recommend this product to you.
Buy Now! Texas Irons His and Hers Steak Branding Iron Gift Set